Saturday, December 2, 2017

ACQUITTED 'Serial Felon/KILLER' Garcia Zarate, 45, a Mexican National/'U.S. ILLEGAL', to me -- DEMANDS a FIRING SQUAD! -- Instead of an Irrational/FANTASY DRIVEN Jury Verdict, Encouraged by a City, STATE & Governor, who seem BENT ON AIDING Criminals & DESTROYING THIS GREAT NATION! What Ever Happened to Old-Fashioned LEVELED-HEADED JUSTICE?

ACQUITTED 'Serial Felon/KILLER' Garcia Zarate, 45, a Mexican National/'U.S. ILLEGAL', to me -- CRIES out for a FIRING SQUAD! 

-- Instead of an Irrational/FANTASY DRIVEN Jury Verdict, Encouraged by a City, STATE & Governor that seem so bent on Abetting Criminal Behavior

-- (Knowingly exposing others to HIV will no longer be a felony in ...

Oct 6, 2017 - The measure also applies to those who give blood without telling the blood bank that they are HIV-positive. ... “HIV should be treated like all other serious infectious diseases, and that's what SB 239 does.”) 

and in DESTROYING THIS GREAT NATION, flawed though it be! We Sure Could Use Some Old-Fashioned LEVELED-HEADED JUSTICE!

-- 'KILLER' Garcia Zarate, based on available info, to me -- 'SHOULD BE EXECUTED!

-- A 'Serially Convicted FELON w/Manslaughter or 'Even Really, JUST PLAIN MURDER' under his belt - Protected & CODDLED by a FANTASY DRIVEN Jury, City, STATE & GOVERNOR, seems so very DESTRUCTIVE, DELUSIONAL & SATANIC!

-- Thanks JERRY/GENOCIDAL GLOBALISTS & DUPPET-VOTERS! Please, I beg you, If you don't KNOW ANYTHING about & REALLY have little interest in Gov't, Politics and how the REAL WORLD WORKS, stay home - DON'T VOTE! 

-- You IGNORANT FOOLS are a BIG REASON this Country and the World is SUFFERING SO MUCH DESTRUCTION & Demonically Guided & Empowered Gov't!

(From a Washington Post Article)
-- The Justice Department has issued an arrest warrant for the Mexican immigrant acquitted Thursday in the 2015 killing of Kate Steinle in San Francisco, a case that has reignited a rallying cry for stricter immigration reform and a crackdown on so-called “sanctuary cities.”

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