Saturday, December 2, 2017

Flynn's GUILTY Plea, MAY Lead Somewhere (My Love), But So Far It Looks Like a DEAD-END Leading Mueller & His Team to DAVY JONES LOCKER! mAy He & HiS ReSt In PeAcE!

Flynn PLEADS GUILTY - Seems HAYSTACK NEEDLE-HUNTER Mueller, while ELUDING THE LAW, is Using Every TRICK & ABUSE in the Book, to Go After OUR BELOVED POTUS, His Team & AMERICA!

-- When's -- 'Genocidal GLOBALIST GANGSTER Aiding' MUELLER' -- Going to Come UNDER SCRUTINY?

Tucker: FLYNN's Guilty Plea DOESN'T Prove Collusion!
-- When's HANG-Nail MUELLER's Witch-Hunt going to get turned around & START INVESTIGATING the 'GANGSTER ABETTING/COLLUDING' Special Counsel?

Tucker: Flynn's Guilty Plea Doesn't Prove Collusion!
-- On his program tonight, Tucker Carlson said former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn pleading guilty to making false statements to the FBI is a major development, but it doesn't prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.


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