Friday, August 3, 2018

Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.

Intel Operative who Altered Obama’s Passport Records Turned FBI Informant on Boss John Brennan, Then Turned Up Murdered in D.C.: A key witness in a federal probe into Barack Obama’s passport information stolen and altered from the State Department was gunned down and killed in front of a District church in D.C.

Brennan’s company accessed and altered Obama’s passport BEFORE the 2008 presidential election, while Brennan was also working on Obama’s campaign team. After the election, Brennan took a job inside the White House.
A month after the passport breach the key witness in this case was murdered. Harris was shot in the head in his car, in front of his church.

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