Monday, April 27, 2020

Are We Beginning to Destroy the World, Just to Save a Few 10's of Millions of Sick/Old People? Or is this just the Global Elite making their Final Push for World Domination and Massive Population Reduction?

Orrrr, could it be that Our Leaders/People are this Stupid/Brainwashed/Delusional/Criminal or Whatever? 

BE ADVISED, that Our Beautiful Master of the Universe says:
-- In the Last Days of our Planet, as we know it,
-- The Final Ruling/Governing Entities will have
"... authority given to them over 1/4 (Rev 6) of the earth (((and eventually 1/3 (Rev 9), or 1/4 and then an additional 1/3 / so bottom line 1/3 to 1/2))) to kill w/sword, famine, pestilence and by the wild beasts ..." / "... Those w/insight (God's people/etc) will enlighten many ... yet they will fall by sword, flame, captivity and plunder ..."
(Rev 6,9 / Dan 11 onmgprv)

IsJnZc - EphJoelRev
Our Lemming-like Mad Rush to the Sea!
-- No need to Watch any Movies these Days,
We're Living in One!
-- Have you moved into Corona Virus Cuckoo Ville?

IsJnZc - EphJoelRev
"Enter by the narrow ..for the gate is.. and the way is ..that leads to.. and many are those who.. ." Matt 7:13

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