Friday, July 31, 2020

Mind Control Planetary, Enslavement, Jesus Feasting, Covid-19 and 3-4 Billion to Die Soon!

Test All, Hold to the Good! 1Thess5:21
-- #CovidMadness and.../ Mind Control/ #TrueGospel/ 3 to 4 Billion will soon die/be murdered by the...
-- #PlugInToJesus and Eat/ Drink/ Transform/ Live and Reproduce!

Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect!

  Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect! Armageddon, Jerusalem, God's People,  45 Days and th...