Thursday, February 28, 2019

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Do We Need An Expanded National Emergency Declaration?!? Trump Declares National Emergency; But What About Cleaning Out the Traitors/ Criminals/ Con-Artists and Gangster Global KILLER-CABAL?

Trump Declares National Emergency
(THE FACE of a Leader
California 'America-Wrecking' Gov/ AG to Sue Trump Administration Over Nat Emerg Declaration
(THE FACE OF 'Banana Republic' Leaders)

Trump's National Emergency speech
-- DEFINITELY a Proper Move
-- DemDuppet 'Baby-Chopping' Lefty/ Globalists want Zombie Voters/ Countrywide Chaos/ etc thru Broken Borders/etc
-- DJT's NED's like OPENING PANDORA'S BOX, if you don't ..., then Dems/Globalists can come back w/:
-- Gun Control
-- Voting/ Healthcare/ Speech Control
-- More Job-Killing Regs/ Taxes/ Socialism
-- Antifa/ Fascist Gangster Justice System Control and DO A SC**W JOB ON US ALL!
WE NEED ... TO ... Otherwise ...

Thursday, February 14, 2019

Natural Wildfires or Deliberate DEWS Mass Destruction/MURDER? Drone footage shows a city in ruins as California fires continue to rage!

#CaWildFires: TERRIFYING!?!
Were Horrendous #DirectedEnergyWeapons used to Intimidate/Eliminate/Adjust?
-- Did frmr #GovBrown/#CAagKHarris, #SpkrPelosi Collude w/#SpecOps #PowerfulLaserAttacks?
-- IF SO: #Arrest!
-- IF GUILTY: #Execute!
Well... #GovNewsom?

Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect!

  Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect! Armageddon, Jerusalem, God's People,  45 Days and th...