Monday, December 31, 2018

Greetings to All Far and Wide and May All Who Love Our Lord and God Jesus Christ have a Great 2019, in Spite of the the Craziness we've been Experiencing and No Doubt can Look Forward to in 2019!

HAPPY and a Blessed NEW YEARS 2019, to all who love our Lord and are Looking for his coming!
-- Expect, We Can Look Forward to More Cuckoo-land Madness, in the Meantime!
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-- But, OUR GREAT AND BEAUTIFUL GOD, Jesus Christ, has a Tremendous Plan and if we're Enjoying, Living in, being Transformed by and Expressing Him, then we can Expect Great and Wonderful Things, in spite of WHATEVER MAY BEFALL Us, Our Country or the World!
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#WesternWildFires2018: Horrendous DEW #DirectedEnergyWeapons?
-- Did the #DeepState/ #XiJinping/ #Globalists/ #KimJongUn and/or Other #GANGSTERS use Powerful Lasers to do UNBELIEVABLE Damage in the U.S. and other Places on Earth?

Sunday, December 30, 2018

DEATH'S Trojan-Dragon IS AT Our DOOR!: ((Xi Jinping's DREAM!)) Do You, SIR, Realize that You and All of China ARE EXPENDABLE, if the ALPHA and OMEGA so Determines!?!? (Isaiah/ Zechariah/ John/ Philippians/ Ephesians/ REVELATIONS)

-- Have You, SIR, Taken Into Account the #ALPHAandOMEGA, Who Is Capable of WIPING CHINA OFF the Face of the Map, IN SECONDS?!?
-- (Gen/ #Isaiah/ Jer/ Dan/ #Zechariah/ Matt/ #John/ Rom/ Gal/ #Philippians/ Rev/ #Ephesians)
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RED DRAGON RISING/ #EconomicCollapse/ #TrumpsLastStand/ #DeepStateUltimateThreat:
AJ's Fri 12/28/18
-- #Vice/ #BullyOfAsia
-- #InterContinentalDayFlightRadiation
-- #Huawei5gGlobalSnake/ #5gCancer
-- #XiJinping's Dream of #WorldConquest, #Utopia vs #Slavery, #MassSuicide and #FascistControl!
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FRANKENSTEIN WEAPONS: A Boon to Humanity or Dr. Strangelove on Steriods? (Directed Energy Weapons): If YOU COME UNDER THREAT, What Should You Do?!?

Deep State Exposed® ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐
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-- If you thought #DEWS (Directed Energy Weapons Systems) were a conspiracy or to be used just against our Enemies/ Terrorists/ Criminals?
-- Well, what's to stop Mafioso/ Gangs/ Rogue States/ DEEP STATE Gangsters getting hold of some to many of these #FrankensteinWeapons, Loading them on DRONES and Blackmailing/ Terrorizing/ Manipulating Us/Our Communities/ Country/ #GenocidalElite Hated Patriots and so on?...
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Deep State Exposed® ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ on Twitter
“If you thought #DEWS were a conspiracy or used against terrorism, they're not." (
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Shared publicly

Friday, December 28, 2018

Western 2018 Wild Fires: STAR WARS DEMO/USE?!? Looks Like It! If so, ARREST, CONVICT, PUT DOWN!

North American Wild Fires 2018: Horrendous (DEW) Directed Energy Weapon Use/Demonstration?

-- To Push Global Warming/ Discredit DJT/PATRIOTS/ Destroy Society/BUILD NWO, minus 7 Billion Headaches (People).
-- Did GOV'T/Deep State/Others Wreck UNBELIEVABLE Destruction, on Tract Homes/Cars/etc, w/Powerful Vaporizing Lasers from Aircraft/Drones/Space, in the Western U.S. and other parts of the World?

-- IF SO (and it appears likely), We Need to Arrest THESE CRIMINALS, Try/ Convict/ and EXECUTE!
(Vortex to Peace)

Thursday, December 27, 2018

#DimitriosPagourtzis, Texas School Shooter? Was he a Satanist? What of Lucifer? Some Insight from God Himself!

Texas school shooting suspect, #DimitriosPagourtzis,
REPORTEDLY put #BornToKill shirt on Facebook and regularly wore a jacket w/ a #Baphomet pin, among others.
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Is the #SantaFeShooterDimitrios a #Satanist? Wouldn't surprise me, #SATAN is the FATHER of:
6) #MkUltra #MindControlProgramming, Handlers and #DemonicScientists
-- FLOWING thru FAMILIES, SCHOOLS, #GOP (Especially #NeoCons)
-- And especially thru MOVIES/ MUSIC/ #MainstreamMedia/ #GLOBALIST'S/ Twisted-False RELIGION/ and the #DemocraticParty.
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((( #LUCIFER )))
-- Gen 2-3 -- Satan/ Gimmie-Get Regardless-Socialist's Delusions
-- Isa. 14 ---- Lucifer's Actions/ Attitude/ Fall
-- Matt 4 ---- Devil/ Bow down and all will be provided/ Welfare Socialist Slavery/ False Security
-- 1 Tim 4 --- Demon Inspired Messengers/ Hypocrites/ Conscienceless False Teachers
-- 1 Pet 5 ---- Devil/ Roaring Lion: Looking for Victims
-- Rev 20 ---- Devil/Deceiver at End of 1000 years/ Then thrown into LAKE OF FIRE w/ Vast Majority of Humans -- Eternal's/ Devil/ Demons 'Tormented' Forever
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He was REPORTEDLY following 13 Instagram accounts:
-- Eight of them were fan pages for firearms.
-- Four included the official accounts for the:
1) #WhiteHouse
2) #PresidentDonaldTrump
3) #IvankaTrump
4) #MelaniaTrump's official @FLOTUS account
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At a certain point, REPORTEDLY before the shooting, the 17-year-old put up a photo of a trench-coat:
1) Like the one classmates say he wore to school most days
2) Covered with pins, including:
-- An #IronCross, a German military medal sometimes associated with #Nazis
-- A #HammerAndSickle, often times associated w/ the EVIL, #SovietCommunistEmpire
-- A #RisingSun, often times associated w/ the #Asia Wrecking #Japan of #WWII
-- A symbol of a #GoatHead, #Baphomet, that is connected to the EVIL/ Anti-God/ Love/ Truth/ Peace #ChurchOfSatan.
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Monday, December 24, 2018

RFK, Jr: meeting w/Trump on Vaccine Commission. VACCINES: A Boon or IS IT REALLY JUST THE PlayGround of the DEVIL Himself?!?

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Drives a STAKE thru the Heart of  'COUNT DRACULA: Vaccines Inc.'

TO ME, the Way the:
3-and DESTROY:
-- Babies/ Families/ and the WORLD


“What you have to understand is that the vaccine regimen changed dramatically around 1989. The reason it changed, Tucker, is that Congress, drowning in pharmaceutical industry money, did something they have never done for any other industry – they gave blanket legal immunity to all the vaccine companies.
“So that no matter how sloppy the line protocols, no matter how absent the quality control, no matter how toxic the ingredients, or egregious the injury to your child, you cannot sue them.
“So there’s no depositions, there’s no discovery, there’s no class action suits. All of a sudden vaccines became enormously profitable.”

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Mr. President: Much Accomplished, Much to do, even Dire Needs like EMP/DOJ/NAFTA Big Tech CENSORS. Isa 8:20 - MAGA Plus, a New Super Dawn!

#POTUS ( w/TEAM has Accomplished Much!
-- Yet, still there's work to be done, some even DIRE/EmerGENcy LEVEL:
(e.g. #EMP/DOJ/#NaftaBigTechCENSORS). 
-- But thank God, Mr President/all for our successes so far.
-- May #MAGA's New Dawn Continue Across the Earth!
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(Isaiah 8:20):
"To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because they have no dawn." NASB
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Friday, December 7, 2018

Is our beloved DJT Being Sucked Down the Path of: 1-Louis XVI / Czar Nicholas II / Gorbachev?!?

Our Dear, Dear Fearless Embattled Producing President, it seems you're in the process of UNAWARINGLY Drifting down the DISASTROUS Road of:
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1-LOUIS XVI of France - Failed to heed the HANDWRITING on the WALL
2-CZAR NICHOLAS II of Russia - NEGLECTED 1st Rank Issues
3-GORBACHEV: Lost Control of and Position in the Gov't
(Vortex to
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WILLIAM P. BARR: Back when many were CYA'ing, and SHREDDERS were HUMMING: Barr was Assistant AG and a big stonewall-er (GHWB/Iraqgate)
-- Consider 'his word' on Uranium-1:
1-Don't believe in JAILING/PROSECUTING [HRC]
2-But CERTAIN THINGS need investigating
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[This Reported Trump Attorney-General Pick Has a Special Record on Special Investigations; 
-- But is he a Deep, Deep Stater;
-- Is he Compromised;
-- Does he have the Backbone (God Empowered/Aided - Prepared to Die and/or see everyone and everything around him go down and still go down the Road of Integrity)?;
-- Is he really On Board with MAGA/MWGA?;
-- Does he Understand the Real Big Picture?;
-- Is he Prepared and Capable of doing What Needs to be Done?]
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Possible Trump Attorney General Pick William Barr Has Record on Republican Special Investigations 

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Possible Trump Attorney General Pick William Barr Has Record on Republican Special Investigations

Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect!

  Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect! Armageddon, Jerusalem, God's People,  45 Days and th...