Saturday, September 29, 2018

Amazing, Confidence Building (Multi-Topic-ed): "I'VE HAD NUMEROUS ACCUSATIONS ABOUT ME!" President Trump United Nations...

"I'VE HAD NUMEROUS ACCUSATIONS ABOUT ME!" President Trump United Nations...

--  ABSOLUTELY INCREDIBLE press conference

-- Wide Ranging, World Covering AMAZING Presidential 'BRIEFING' via @YouTube

President Trump addresses U.N. General Assembly - Fantastic, ALMOST at JUST A DREAM LEVEL, but Makes GREAT SENSE (C-SPAN)

President TRUMP addresses U.N. General Assembly - (FULL SPEECH)


(C-SPAN) via @YouTube

Friday, September 14, 2018

INCREDIBLE Video: Google's Internal Dismay Revealed After Trump's 2016 Election Win!

A video recorded by Google shortly after the 2016 presidential election
-- Reveals an atmosphere of panic and dismay amongst the tech giant’s leadership
-- Coupled with a determination to thwart
1) Both the Trump agenda
2) And the broader populist movement emerging around the globe.
-- The video is a full recording of Google’s first all-hands meeting following the 2016 election.
-- Sent to Breitbart News by an anonymous source

MILITIA Style MAYHEM / CHAOS Nation-Wide Attacks? Being Planned for AMERICA? For An UPCOMING TRUMP RALLY???

W.R. w/O.S. (9/13/18) Leftist TerrorUSA?
(Video report of): Scores of 'Militia-Type Armed MENcrossing the U.S. Border at the Chilton ARIZONA Ranch

If true, WHY?
-- Are these Men BEING GATHERED as Assault Forces, to be used to create CHAOS and MAYHEM?:
1) E.I.: At an upcoming Trump Rally?
Where 500 HEAVILY ARMED MEN Could Easily Overwhelm DJT Rally Security?
2) E.I.: 100's of COMMANDO Units spreading throughout the U.S..
-- Then used to SIMULTANEOUSLY Attack PEOPLE, Groups, INSTITUTIONS, Businesses, LOCATIONS, Parks, Monuments and FORESTS!

With the PURPOSE BEING to:
1) One way or another DISCREDIT / 'KILL' Trump
2) TURN People AGAINST DJT, Conservatives and Christians!
-- JUST BEFORE the Nov 2018 Elections!

(********) "Most Feared Name In News"
(The Reported Video of:
Armed Militia-Types crossing U.S. Border)
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(Easier to Read Article Herein)
-- For WIDE-SPECTRUM Breakdown: View Recent Tweets:
_ _ _ _ _
(JFK Warns America!) ////

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Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect!

  Armageddon, Christ's Coming, Judgement, 45 Days and the Rapture of the Elect! Armageddon, Jerusalem, God's People,  45 Days and th...